Wendel A. White: Manifest | Thirteen Colonies from Peabody and Radius

Cover of Wendel A. White: Manifest | Thirteen Colonies published by Radius Books and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard University. The book cover is black with grey text and a close up of the edge of a book, taken from the Manifest portfolio.Manifest | Thirteen Colonies is a photographic project and journey through the repositories of African American material culture found in libraries, museums, and archives of the original thirteen English colonies and Washington, DC. Conceived by photographer Wendel A. White, this project is a personal reliquary of the remarkable evidence of Black agency and racial oppression stored in public collections. Accompanying his imagery, White discusses his approach to finding, selecting, and photographing artifacts—from rare singular objects to more quotidian materials—and highlights their significance as forensic evidence of Black life and history in the United States.

Artwork and text by Wendel A. White  with texts by Brenda Dione Tindal, Cheryl Finley, Deborah Willis, Ilisa Barbash, and Leigh Raiford. Co-published by Radius Books and the Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard University.

Preorder available here.

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