
Recent activities and updates. Exhibition openings, lectures, presentations, new work, travel, and related events.


Wendel White: Black Lives, Resistance, and Agency in America

Work from three projects will be exhibited in two spaces at Swarthmore College. Selected works from Schools for the Colored and Small Towns Black Lives in the. List Gallery and selected works from Manifest in the McCabe Library. Artist talk, Thursday, March 21 at 4:30 followed by a reception.

Exhibition catalog for "Wendel A. White: Remains, Remnants, Reliquaries"

Order the Exhibition Catalog

ORDER THE EXHIBITION CATALOG with an essay by Kenya Tyson and Claude Baillargeon Mail orders for the 60-page exhibition catalog will be fulfilled for $28 (shipping included). Checks only, payable to the Oakland University Art Gallery, West Wilson Hall Room 208, 371 Wilson Boulevard, Rochester, MI 48309.

Milan, GA, May 25, 1919. The Greenville News, Greenville, SC, Jul 25, 1919.

Remains • Remnants • Reliquaries

Washington DC, Jul 21, 1919. The Washington Times, Washington, DC, Jul 22, 1919. Kenya Tyson and I will discuss Red Summer and other themes in my work for the opening of the Remains • Remnants • Reliquaries exhibition on Sept 8, 2023, at the Oakland University Art Gallery. #schoolsforthecolored #manifestportfolio #redsummer #smalltownsblacklives


Schools for the Colored in Nueva Luz

Nueva Luz Mentor Issue (Fall/Winter 2022) Special thanks to Dawoud Bey and Victor Davson for their contributions to this issue of Nueva Luz featuring my work from the Schools for the Colored portfolio. I am deeply grateful for all the efforts of everyone at En Foco especially Bill Aguado, Kim Vaquedano-Rose, Emily O’Leary, and Danny

Photograph of page spread inside book

Schools for the Colored at Push Pull Editions

I am pleased to announce the publication of “Schools for the Colored” by Push Pull Editions, an independent bookpress located in Corvallis, Oregon. The production and design are the work of Evan Baden and the book includes a remarkable essay by historian Walter Greason. for more information or to place an order visit Push Pull

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